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  • Writer's pictureDorota Kowalska

Breeds of horses in polo

If you have happened to watch horse races, dressage competitions, western competitions that are becoming more and more popular in Poland or polo matches, you have surely noticed dear reader that the horses performing there are very distinctive. So which breed of horse fits polo?

Koń podczas polo meczu
Horse during a polo match in Silesia Polo Club.

It is estimated that there are nearly 200 breeds of horses worldwide. They differ in body structure, character and temperament, which is of course strongly influenced by the origin and history of the breed. Originally, horses served man as a source of food. Over time, man recognised the strength and stamina of these amazing animals, which gave rise to their domestication. As work horses, draught horses and saddle horses, horses have accompanied man for 5,000 years. With increasing industrialisation, their use has changed, so that horses now serve man in sport and recreation.

Depending on conformation, character and breed, we can divide horses primarily into cold-blooded horses, which are characterised by their strength and calmness, thoroughbreds known for their hot temperament and stunning appearance, and hot-blooded horses, which combine the characteristics of these two types.

Ponies are a distinct group of horses that are theoretically united not by character but by height. They measure just 149 cm.

Konie podczas wyścigów konnych
Horses taking part in a horse race.

If you have happened to watch horse racing, dressage competitions, western competitions, which are becoming increasingly popular in Poland, or polo matches, you have surely noticed, dear reader, that the horses performing there are very distinctive.

Just as in human sports, we have already reached the point where the competition is incredibly high and the rider must possess specific conformation and character traits which, together with talent, can pay off with high results.

On the racetracks in Warsaw's Służewiec or Wroclaw's Partynice we will meet mainly Thoroughbreds, which are characterised by their athletic conformation and temperament. In dressage competitions, horses of hot-blooded breeds, such as Oldenburg horses, which are exceptionally elegant and motivated to work, perform well.

So what breed of horse is suited to polo? Taking into account the nature of the game, i.e. frequent turns, stopping in place and immediately starting to gallop, the ideal horse for polo is a fast, agile, poised, courageous horse, listening to the rider and willingly submitting to his will. Not too big - then it is much more agile.

In Argentina and in many parts of the world, the major polo tournaments are played by Argentinian polo pony horses. It is a specially created cross with the criollo, a breed of undersized working horses, descendants of horses brought to South America in the 16th century by the Spaniards. They are characterised by a very balanced character, a calm head and stamina.

"It is a great pleasure to play on such a horse. His balanced character, his "calm head", make you feel very safe on him despite the dynamic game. Comparing to other breeds: the Arabian horse, despite its phenomenal stamina, agility and size, is not suitable for polo due to its too hot head, nervousness, fearfulness, electricity. Thoroughbred English horses are the fastest, but unfortunately, as a rule, also do not have a good head, experience stress on the field, jump, are difficult to stop. It is difficult to find a volblut with a 'good head for polo', but there are exceptions. In amateur polo it is often quite common to find quarter horses: they are not the fastest or the most sturdy, but they have a very good psyche, similar to a polopona: they are not impressed by the many turns and contact with other horses on the field, they cooperate willingly with the rider." - Basia Banat, polist and director of the only polo pony breeding in Poland.

One of the oldest clubs in Poland, in Żurawno, is dominated by Thoroughbreds, although you can also meet Polo Pony or Polish Half-Blood horses.

The Buksza Polo Club also relies on thoroughbred horses, of which there are already 16 in the club! In addition to thoroughbreds, the stable also has four Polo Argentino horses and three half-bloods.

The Silesia Polo Club plays mostly polo ponies and American quarter horses, while the Sowiniec and Ivy clubs train almost exclusively on polo ponies.

Konie grające w polo
Horse during a polo match in Silesia Polo Club.

As can be seen from the above examples, there is variation in the choice of horse breeds in Polish polo. I would be tempted to put forward a thesis that this choice has to do with the nature of the club, whether it is more of a sports team or a recreational venue with polo elements. Clubs geared towards tournament performances, national and international sporting competition, feature more polo pony horses. By contrast, in stables where polo is not high-goal, there is a preponderance of horses of other breeds that perform well in their role.

Before buying your first polo mount, it is advisable to go to several clubs and check the difference in working with different breeds of horses. Only the next step should be to choose based on its personal characteristics. I know many excellent English thoroughbreds, as well as some problematic polo pony horses in terms of character or health. This is why it is so important to get the opinion of professionals during the buying process. Fortunately, we can count on such advice in practically every club.


Author: Dorota Kowalska


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